Tuesday, July 31, 2012

People I Miss (in no particular order... i miss them all equally. and greatly.)

oh, joy, trish, and meg... i miss you all. and i want you to come home! the good news is... two of you will be here very soon! the bad news is... i still have to wait about a month to see you, joy. Anyways, i am looking forward to seeing every single one of you again!!! 
This picture was clearly taken back when we were young and silly. Wow... those were the good old days, huh, joy? =) 

and this is definitely the best angle to take a picture from. all pictures should be taken from this angle. lol. 

oh trisha!! we have had so many fun times!! so many memories that we just don't like to share with others because they are just a little bit.... sketchy. see, there was another picture that i wanted to put on here, but i decided against it. but i think you will know the one i mean. it involves words and plaid and was taken the weekend that we were in reading. lol. also... we need to take more pictures of the two of us together. cause i don't have nearly enough. i want more!! =) 

i am so excited about hanging out with you again! like when we go to york! it's gonna be great! i cannot wait. 

so just in case you ever wondered... this is how we stay beautiful. i do hope it's okay that i'm sharing our beauty secrets with the rest of the world, meg. =) i miss doing stuff like this with you. and laughing with you. 

those pink feather boas sure do make birthdays special! i cannot imagine celebrating a birthday without them. 

i love you all and can't wait to see you again!!! 

Monday, July 30, 2012

And So It Begins....

Well, I have officially taken the first black and white pictures for my black and white scrapbook! And I had a ton of fun doing it. =) Kaylin was a completely lovely model for me. She smiled when I asked her to, and looked pensive when I asked her to, and closed her eyes when I asked her to. We found her dress while we were at clothes packing the other week (I KNEW there was a good reason to go clothes packing!=)), and i stuffed her into a pair of heels, scratchy, lacy gloves, and my "grad headband" (which i did not actually graduate in, much to the disappointment of all. okay... so i was the only one disappointed. lol.), and dragged her all over Floradale park, taking hundreds of pictures. And the only reason I stopped was because my camera battery ran out. Nearly killed me. Because I was still full of ideas for pictures that I wanted to take. So I'm thinking that I will bring her back for a Part Two sometime! 
I learned several things from this experience... the main thing being that I know nothing about photography! Why did i not take that photography course at school??? I could have done it instead of biology or something. Except that biology was cool, cause i got to dissect a pig. I am not even kidding about that. it was actually a pretty awesome experience. did you know that pigs have eyebrows?? cause they do. ANYWAYS... i have gotten distracted. so i learned that i have much to learn about taking good pictures. 
I also learned that Kaylin can still look beautiful, even when she has only gotten about 10 minutes of sleep the night before, due to watching all three Lord of the Rings movies, and most of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe all in a row. Pretty impressive. =) And she has an awesomely expressive face. I wish my face was that expressive! 
I learned that taking pictures that have some kind of theme is more fun than just wandering around taking pictures. Yes, it takes some thinking and planning and creativity, but you have a whole lot more direction while you are taking the pictures then. I am so excited about doing more of these photo shoots!!!! =) For Kaylin, we went with kind of a formal theme, since we already had a dress which totally fit her and suited her personality! And we used a book for some pictures, because she loves loves loves reading, and has an incredible imagination! 
I also learned that I want a better camera, and will probably buy one soon. =) It's just that... well, my bank account so recently started filling up, and I'm just not quite ready to take that much money out of it yet. See, the original plan was to buy a new camera last week, so that I could use it for these pictures. But then I decided that I would rather let my bank account get a bit fuller before I spend that much money. So I decided to wait awhile to buy a camera. But then I was taking these pictures and desperately wishing for a new camera, so now I am thinking I will buy one pretty soon. Which means it will prolly be at least several weeks before I buy it, because I am slow about things like this. lol. and i need to do some research first. =) 
Okay. I have been rambling for awhile now, so I will be quiet and you can look at the pictures of Kaylin and be in awe of how pretty she is. =)