Sunday, February 10, 2013


The birth...
of a new blog!
My new blog! =)
So technically, it is also the death of this blog. I find this a bit sad, but waaaaaay more exciting, because I love my new blog. In a completely different way than I love this one. This one was an excellent place to grow up... but the new blog? It is going to be an excellent place to be grown up. (Cause I'm so close to 19, everybody.) I don't actually feel grown up yet... I feel very far from it, to be honest. I have been thinking about starting a new blog for months now... one where I post regularly, where I put more thought into my posts, and where I write "professionally" (meaning that all the capital letters and periods are there, and I do not use lol. I have a real problem with wanting to use lol. Thank you, hours and hours of emailing, for that. ;)). Although my goal is to be a better blogger, I am positive that I will still have the same writing voice, because that is the voice that is inside me, and a new blog cannot change that. Translation: I am still random. =) Random Mondays will happen, but they might happen on a more regular basis. In fact, you might start picking up on a pattern in my blogging.
The new blog is going to be better... I promise!
There is nothing there yet... it is completely blank, except for my picture and profile on the side, and the title and verse at the top, and a picture of my writing. I am planning on publishing my first post there on Thursday, which just happens to be Valentine's Day! That makes it so fitting that my first post is going to be all about love.
I planned that.... the post about love happening on Valentine's Day.
Where can you find this new blog?
Right here:
Rest in peace, Sweet Nothings. 

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