Monday, January 28, 2013

It's (a bit) Warmer When There's Two Of You

Me and Trish... we take care of eachother. =) Also, judging by the number of pictures taken that have my mouth open on them, I have a real problem with not talking. 

So happy together! 

Cheeseball just shouldn't taste like bacon. I mean, we will still eat it if it does... but we prefer if it tastes like cheese. And is not rolled in nuts. We think we will just keep buying our cheeseball from Kitchen Cuttings, where they roll their cheeseballs in parsley. Cheese could actually be the official food of our friendship, I think. 

We do love a good game of peekaboo. It's almost as much fun as just sitting on a couch together for hours on end. See, we are easily entertained. That is the wonderful thing about us. Put us on a couch and we are happy for a loooong time. But sometimes we like to do things... like go through drive throughs in our pjs, or randomly go for walks in the middle of snowy nights. We have a completely normal friendship.  

See? Sometimes Trish talks too. I am not the only one who talks around here. 

And on a completely different note... 
I think I have figured out what Oscar's problem is. 
It's not a physical problem. It's more of a mental thing. 
You see, Oscar wants to be a dolphin. 
That is why he is so flippy and splashy and jumpy and fast. 
He wants to be a dolphin. 
Okay, now picture this: a miniature dolphin. A Betta fish-sized dolphin. 
I'd buy one of those. 

1 comment:

  1. ok. so i totally agree, all we need is a couch. however we do need a certain type of couch. like it cant just be any couch. not a brown one that is hard and has a very short back. oh and yes we talk so much we can barely stop for thirty seconds so someone can take a picture. this is why we have such a hard time getting pictures of us. lol. i love you yasmin! oh and totally want a betta fish-sized dolphin!
