Tuesday, January 22, 2013

These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things

I should begin by saying that if you are my friend, family member, or fish, you are automatically one of my favourite things. 
Just because your picture is not here does not mean that I don't love you. 
There are no pictures of people in this post, because once you start, it's hard to know where to stop. So I just stuck to items. Non-living items. 
Ready? =) 
Mushy potatoes. Yes please. So you know that good thing that moms sometimes do? Where they are cooking meat (like beef or chicken) in the oven, and they just stick the potatoes right in with the meat, and then when you get home from church, the house smells amazing and you can hardly wait to eat? Well, I like mushy potatoes... the ones close to the side or bottom that are so soft that they can't even hold themselves together anymore. That is what I like. 

Green Iced Tea from Tim Hortons is definitely one of the best things to drink. I can't always drink a whole bottle of it though... sometimes the person I am with needs to give me a hand. lol. This is a very special green iced tea bottle. I'm so scared Mom's going to recycle it, cause she does that sometimes. But I've had it since the beginning of October and I think I will keep it for the rest of my life. =) 

This box specifically is not one of my favourite things. However, I made it while I was teaching my Sunday School class one morning, and I have decided that teaching is one of my favourite things. Sometimes I really don't like it. Like when that cute little Stephanie kid will not sit down, and all the other kids are getting restless and I can tell that I am going to lose control very very soon and start to pray that the buzzer would go. But other times I just really love it. Like when I'm reading them the story, and I look at them, and some of them are actually paying attention, and watching me, and their eyes are big, and the story is amazing to them. Like when Trish asks who has the gray crayon, and Monica is using it and holds it up, and Trish reaches out to grab it from her, but then notices that Monica's stone is only half-colored, and instead of taking the crayon, she asks "May I use it when you're done with it?". So proud of her. =) Even though I most likely did not have anything to do with it. lol. 

My "book". =) It's just cool, I tell you. From the pretty aisle at Winners. Winners has the prettiest pretty aisle! If you've never been there, you are really missing out. 

Okay. There are several things about this picture that I love. One of them is the golf ball. Its name is Dilbert, and it came from above. Or so it seems. One night, after skating, Meg and I walked out to the car, and there Dilbert was. Sitting right beside the car. And it wasn't there when we walked in. So we imagine that it fell from the sky and bounced perfectly straight up and down a few times before settling happily beside our car to wait for us. Dilbert is a very meaningful golf balls. He knows things. Seriously. The other things that I love about this picture are my Princess Diaries books and "The Help". Some of my favourite books in the whole wide world!

This is the picture that Joy finger painted for me! So special! I love that our friendship has such a specific starting date. And it's so handy that that also happens to be my birthday! ;) 

This is my cute little red tea pot, with my cute little red tea ball thinger. Loose leaf tea is just way more fun than tea bags. Seriously! And there is so many wonderful flavors! Irish Breakfast Tea has been my favourite so far, I think. 

So there are two things in this picture that I can hardly believe that I am choosing as some of my favourite things. One of them is scarves. I used to hate scarves. I still don't like to wear them for no purpose... but when it comes to keeping warm? I want a scarf, please. Also, the color purple. It's one of my favourites right now! It certainly never used to be. Yeah, I'm just a few years behind everyone else. lol. So... purple and scarves are cool. And I like my hats too. They have the tendency to slide down over my eyes... but I like them anyways. If you want to talk to me, or just make eye contact, all you really have to do is tip the hat back a bit. ;)

My Bible! I think it's pretty! And it says good things. Really, what more could you want from a Bible? 

This is my tiny garbage can!! I see now that I should have had it more beside something, to show how small it actually is, cause it really doesn't look that small all by itself like this. But it is definitely smaller and cuter than the average garbage can! I bought it because I was so sick of working at my desk or sitting in my chair and always having to get up and walk across the room to get to the garbage can. So I got this one and put it right beside my chair. And every time I look at it, I think "Curse you, tiny garbage can!" (said in a Vector voice, obviously. Don't ever try to tell yourself that what you watch doesn't affect you. Despicable Me has had an incredible impact on my life). 

Lamps with cool chain things that you pull to turn them on are just the coolest! I have two lamps like this, one on my desk, and one beside my bed. The other  night I pulled the chain on the one beside my bed just a bit too vigorously, I guess, and the lamp fell over and a bunch of stuff flew everywhere, and it was just annoying cause I was so close to being asleep. So pull gently, folks. Never fear...it will still do the cool clicky noise. 

Two of my favourite movies right now. I think I will love them forever. 

This is the dish that I bought to take my lunch to work in. I just think it is the coolest little thing! It has cool clippy sides and pretty flowers on the lid! 

This is a very handy little thing for someone like me who has the tendency to lose little things like memory sticks and chap stick and various other random little things. 

This is my Kobo!!! I love it! We have not even been together for a whole month yet, but it is just so easy to love this! And I was looking at this picture, and was so confused by why it looks like the screen is all gray and bumpy. Then I figured out that it just looks like that because you can see my ceiling on the screen. Don't you worry... the screen is actually very smooth. It is wonderfully fun to read with this thing. I read "Peter Pan" on here. And "The Story Girl". The best word that I can think of to describe these two books is delightful. I know, I know. That sounds weird. But seriously... I got done "The Story Girl" (which I had read and loved first of all when I was younger... like ten or something) and sighed and thought "Well, that was completely delightful" and felt this odd kind of sadness because it was finished. And last night when I was going to bed, I just kept wishing that there would be more of it to read. I don't know if I have ever been so not ready for a book to be over.  There is just something completely beautiful about the characters and the stories and the setting. Every chapter just leaves you feeling so content. And I love that I could love it when I was a kid, and that I still loved it this time. I was worried that I had outgrown it or something. But apparently I didn't. And you know what? I bet that when I am 40, or 60, or 80, I could still read it and love it. It is just that kind of book. Maybe that was why I was so sad last night... because I was finished "The Story Girl". But I was sad on Sunday night too, and I wasn't finished it yet then. But maybe I subconsciously knew that I was going to finish it and so I was just being sad in advance? I don't know. While we are discussing "entertainment", I should also say that there are three songs that I absolutely love right now. Well, more than that. But three songs that I am going to tell you about. They are all by The Tenors. "Forever Young", "Anchor Me", and "Lullaby (the Smile Upon Your Face)" are their names. I love them. You might too! So you should listen to them. 

My day planner.... I like it. It's been awhile since I actually used a day planner, because I just used the sticky notes on my laptop for my last two years of school. But it's kinda fun writing down everything, and it's so nice to look at it then and know exactly what you are supposed to be doing and when you are supposed to be doing it. I just kept those kinds of things in my head all summer and fall, and it was just getting a little bit scary having to trust myself with all those dates and times. So I got my day planner. 

A lemon-scented candle. Clearly, Bath and Body Works has someone brilliant working for them. 

Gazebos. I love gazebos. I think it would be lovely to have one in our backyard, but the rest of my family just doesn't seem to understand. This one is a little blurry. lol. But wonderful nonetheless! It's nice how there is a bench in it. This just might be one of my favourite gazebos. ;) 

Clearly, I take delight in three billion small things in life. =) 

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